Etzion DCO: Husband will not receive a permit until he returns his wife to Gaza

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Shlomit Steinitz. Natanya Ginsburg, Shirley Nagar



The parking lot remained full for the entire time that we were there, from 20 -30 cars,  we were only approached by a few people. Judging from the faces of those who came out of the office area it would seem that their applications had been successful. At any rate no one came to us with problems. These were the three problems we dealt with.


One man had to pay a fine and because of the delay his permit was taken from him and he is “Prevented”. . He did appear in court and paid 8000 shekel of which 3000 was to be returned to him but so far has not been returned nor does he have the receipt. Which of course is not on the computer as it should be.


A man has to be checked at Sh’arei Zedek for cystic fibrosis. The hospital had sent him a letter of appointment which for Israelis would have been no problem.  According  to the letter from the hospital  he can go  any day for the test. But he was refused as  he had to have a definite day on which he would go. Ever helpful N. said that he would help him.


A trader from Takoah approached us. His wife is from Gaza but living in Bethlehem. He has never had a problem before about getting a permit but when he came this week to renew it, he was told that this would only be done after his wife had gone back to Gaza.  She had come through legally through Jordan.  All the necessary papers have been given in to the Palestinian authority In Ramallah  to lengthen her stay here but in the beginning they were told to wait until the elections here in Israel were over and then, of course, the Corona hit. Now there is no coordination with the PA. We advised him to speak to Hanna Barag and also to the Association for Human Rights.


A young man who,  in 2010 had been convicted a few times of stone throwing and then of holding illegal arms and is now prevented ….as  he says until he will be dead. We gave him Sylvia’s details.