Abu Dis, Container (Wadi Nar), Tue 10.2.09, Afternoon

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Chana G., Rahel W.


Election day in Israel.  Unusually quiet.  Surprisingly enough, there were no security forces stationed at the entry to Azariah.  There seemed to be much less traffic than usual.

Wadi Nar

As we walked toward the checkpoint, we were approached by a young border policeman and an older man, (in his 50's or 60's) who was obviously a volunteer at the checkpoint.  The older man wanted to know who we were and why we were there.  We showed him our badges and explained that we were there to observe what was going on at the checkpoint.  He became very hostile and suggested that if we wanted to be good citizens we should go to Sderot instead of worrying about "them".  The young border policeman warned that "they" want Jerusalem and that "they" could fire a bullet into our homes.  Furthermore, if one of "them" started up with him, he would take his gun and shoot to kill.  Initially, we made some effort to engage them in civil conversation, but the two of them were so full of blind hatred that it was futile.

It was a terribly windy day with hurricane force winds.  There was little traffic and what there was moved very quickly through the checkpoint in both directions.  Vehicles coming from Bethlehem were not allowed to go straight toward Abu Dis but had to turn left after the checkpoint and take the longer route.  Those who attempted to go straight were immediately stopped and redirected.  After a change of the guard, anyone who wanted to could go straight.   Why the sudden change ?  Who knows?