Reihan, Shaked, Sun 11.1.09, Morning

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Lea R. and Rutie T.

6:05 - Rihan-Barta'a
At the lower checkpoint, there is not a single soul to be found. One car  is inside the inspection area. 5 pickup trucks loaded with merchandise wait for their turn.

- A van which was waiting on the road gets inside the inspection shed and is on its way at 6:17 !

At 5:15 about ten women and a little girl arrive at the gate and immediately go through. At 6:22 two of them are at the top of the sleeveinfo-icon.
7:00 - The inspection shed is vacant. Two  teachers from the school at Um-el-Rihan arrive at the gate. They walk out within seven minutes. A young mother and her daughter go in and get out exactly 10 minutes later.
7:15 - 10 pickup trucks with goods await inspection.

7:30 Tura-Shaked

We are told that the gate was opened at 7:15. Soldiers on site admit to the delay due to a computer malfunction. Vehicles on both sides of the checkpoint are inspected alternately and drive through within two minutes. Children pass by the soldiers without being inspected. While cars are under inspection, workers who come out of the inspection room are delayed by the concrete blocks which divides the plaza between the gatesinfo-icon.They are allowed out only after the inspected car drives away.

They hurry up and complain for being detained.
8:00 - The checkpoint is quiet and we drive to the Jalama checkpoint to pick up a child going to Rambam hospital for treatments.

Upon our arrival, his father received a message from the hospital stating that the treatment was postponed.