'Anabta, Ar-Ras, Irtah, Wed 5.11.08, Morning

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Racheli M., Rachel A. (reporting), Hanna A.

Translation: Galia S.


06:50 – The whole checkpoint area, and around it as well, is full of cars and workers. Some of them complain they have been waiting outside for two hours. By 07:00 all of them leave the checkpoint. Families on their way to visit prisoners are also here.

07:15 – Routine

07:45 – Routine

The main road, at the entrance to Karne Shomron
As we drive we see three soldiers beside the road, one of whom is pointing a gun at a Palestinian who is standing near them. We make a U-turn and stop there to ask what is going on. The soldiers respond angrily and are reluctant to answer. Within minutes two settlers appear and one of them lets loose a string of curses and swear words.

In the meantime the soldiers return the to the young man’s documents and he catches a cab and leaves.