'Anabta, Ar-Ras, Jubara (Kafriat), Wed 18.6.08, Afternoon

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Sara P., Tami C. Translation: Galia S.

Figs Passage

14:30 – The shift commander A. [Dani], asks us to wait about 20 minutes because of the activity that is going on in Jubara. We make it clear to him that if he doesn't ask for permission within a few minutes, we will do it ourselves, and lo and behold the same commander comes and opens the gate for us. We have learned from Nadim and from Rina's report that that commander tried to pull the same trick in the morning, too. Before getting to the commander, we pass on our way a soldier on watch and 3 youths standing next to him. He points at us and then the three turn to me asking why we disturb the soldiers. I just continue walking while they shout the usual "greetings" after me, "hooker". This is how they bid us farewell. It is then that we get a phone call from Naomi asking us to leave for Beit Iba at once as she has been informed about a big traffic jam at the checkpoint, so we decide to go from Ar-Ras directly to Beit Iba.


14:45 – The checkpoint is deserted save for the soldier on the lookout. The rest of the soldiers are resting in the shade. Once in a while a car passes. We are given a warm welcome.


16:40 – A shift replacement is taking place, carried out quickly, when we arrive. The commander asks us to stand at the foot of the post, which is a good place for watching. We see about 20 cars leave Tulkarm and 4 cars are at the entrance to the city. Since the shift replacement has been so quick, the passage resumes at good speed as well.