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07.20: A group of schoolchildren (6 - 14) were walking toward the
checkpoint to cross to school in Tulkarm, but were sent back by the
soldiers. At the village center, one of the villagers told us that
the school gate to Ar-ras was not opened that morning. A private
car driven by the school headmaster, arrived at the locked gate. He
told us that about 250 Jubara people refuse to receive the permits,
or are refused. They said us that on Thursday a doctor will visit
the village, and that babyinfo-icon food will be delivered today. The DCO
said that the locked gate must have been a misunderstanding and
tomorrow it would open.

08.15: Checkpoint Jubara. Quite empty. No vehicles, nor

09:00: Tulkarm checkpoint. A few Israeli Arabs tried to
go through, but in vain. The gate was locked. Military police was
inside. When we approached the gate one of the border policemen
told us there was total closureinfo-icon and curfew all around, and no one
was allowed to pass in any direction.