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06:35: Jeep with 3 BPs. 10 detained men waiting near the gas
station since before 06:00 for their IDs. We are prohibited from
talking to them.

Elementary school children climb over the fence, ignored by the
soldiers, until, suddenly, the rest are stopped, and ordered back
to the other side. More and more high school boys gather, but not
allowed to pass and are sent back to where they came

06:50: There are now 8 soldiers there. 2 of them are ordered to
walk towards the hotel. They detain 2 men and 2 women. Women with
children are allowed to pass.

A man with a green ID, on his way to St. George Eye Hospital to
have an operation, is detained. We call the army's humanitarian
unit, but the commander refused to speak with them. The man was
released only after 08:00 (late for his appointment).

07:15: Another jeep arrives. By that time we counted 19 detained
men and women.

Six of them are arrested and driven off. We couldn't find out where

Children continue to get to school by climbing the concrete wall.
This time 2 soldiers approach them aggressively, almost pointing
their guns.

09:00: Getting back to Abu-Dis we saw a group of detained men. We
could not see if they were the one detained earlier.