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The little gate was closed during the
night, but reopened early in the morning. There were about 10
detaineesinfo-icon standing with their faces to the wall. At our inquiry, he
allowed them to turn around. When we returned an hour later, about
8 other men were sitting on the ground waiting. The officer said
"I have 3 hours (of detention) "coming" to me, then
I'll let them go." A few people were jumping over the

Wadi Na'ar was relatively quiet. Palestinian taxis were being
allowed through, but there were very few trucks with merchandise.
The soldier in charge was working efficiently and politely. (One
Palestinian said the soldiers were "okay".) A family--
husband, wife, his parents -- was detained for an hour on their way
to a fertility treatment in Nablus. Thier IDs didn't check out.
Still, they were finally were authorized to go on. On the whole, a
quiet atmosphere.