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Ar-Ram: Very little traffic. The
soldiers take down the details of blue IDs. When the traffic
increases, they stop it.

Qalandya south: A soldier is sitting on the side, not checking the
passers. The commander, N., is chasing a little boy who sells
bagels from the junction to the taxi station: "the checkpoint
area should be sterileinfo-icon". The boy takes the cart and pretends
to move away. On our way back we see him on the very same spot that
he was in the beginning...

Qalandya north: N. gathers us for the opening speech about our
"joint" work at the checkpoint. He insists that we stand
behind, where we can hardly do our work. Still we could see him
kicking the bicycle of a guy who did not have a permit for this
bicycle, threatening that if he tries to ride through, he will
chase after him. A soldier pushed brutally a guy who tried to sneak
across, which the soldiers think justifies their behaviour. The
same old rules for passage apply, no change is evidenced. Brutal
behaviour in both checkpoints, which was more insulting than
physically hurtful.