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When we arrived at the checkpoint it
was empty and open. We realized that it must have moved. We drove
further north to Tulkarm where a new checkpoint had been put up at
the location where the future gate in the new partition fence will
be. It is next to a village called Betach.

Quite a number of schoolchildren who apparently are on summer
holiday went through without any problem.

Two lorries carrying cooking gas balloons were not let through
because, according to the soldiers, they did not have the license
to go through. Despite the fact that the soldiers did a lot of
checking about it, an hour and a half later both lorries were let

Pedestrians with permits were let through without any problem.
Nevertheless, when we talked to the people they said that the fence
that already was put up, and could be seen from the checkpoint,
prohibited any bypassing of the actual checkpoint.

At 8.00 “Back-to-back” lorries were let through to an unloading
area. A convoy of red cross lorries were let through at the same
time into Tulkarm.

At the same time a private Israeli car from the organization
“WINDOWS” loaded with bags of clothing was also let through to the
unloading area.

Suddenly Israeli Arabs who wished to go through from our side were
prevented from doing so with the announcement that no more people
may go through. As a result of our insistence and consistent
negotiation with the second in charge of the unit they were let

The Palestinian, Mohammad Faouz Tangi, nicknamed Azizi, from the
Tulkarm refugee camp, who was expecting “WINDOWS” told us that he
is in charge of a center called “TANTURA REPUBLIC CENTER FOR
PEACE”, telephone: 052-669 403. This center runs programs for
children and women teaching them women’s rights, democracy, the
media and family life. They are interested in communicating with
Israeli women and will be happy to host them in their center. They
also plan a summer camp for 500 children, boys and girls, and need
money for this project.