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6:30AM: Ar-Ram - women and children
passed through quickly. The men were held back in a small group,
but only for a short time.

Qalandya: Much like the report of yesterday morning. The officer in
charge, N, was angry that we were a "different group" so
that he had to do his spiel again. He added that he will not speak
again to us again. Although not openly rude, his manner was
definitely hostile. While we there, it took about 10 minutes for an
individual to pass through the point. N. said that he had just
received new orders ending the closureinfo-icon for the area.

Surda: We could not come close to the checkpoint, but from a
distance we could see that nobody was passing in either direction.
The Palestinians told us that not one person, not even on severe
medical grounds, had been allowed to pass from one checkpoint to
the other for three days.