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Rihan, Tuesday, February 15, 2005, AMObservers: Chedva H., Shifra G. (reporting)10:45 - 13:0010:45 – Rihan- Very sparse movement. There are hardly any people. The few who arrive at the checkpoint go through immediately.Two men were not allowed in. One of them, Z., showed us a letter from the Shabak (General Security Services) to his attorney stating that an order was given out to provide him and two other men with permits for passage into east Barta'a. We asked the checkpoint commander, to investigate this matter. The commander turned to a car parked at the side; in it were apparently policemen and a Shabak representative. They called Z. and spoke with him, trying to find out if his brother was "wanted." Z. claimed that the man they were asking about was not related to him. The letter and his ID card were taken from him, and he was asked to wait.Later, Z. told us, over the phone, that he was taken to Salem were he was told that he would be let go only if his brother came along with NIS 1,500. A most puzzling matter.12:45 - Shaked gate - A military vehicle is parked by the gate and later takes off for a patrol. We did not see pupils at the gate by 13:00, when we left the site. We asked the soldiers the time of the schoolchildren's arrival, but received no answer.