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Rihan, Saturday, February 12, 2005, AMObservers: Sarit A., Danya C., Noa L. (reporting)08:30 - 09:30Freezing cold weather, strong winds and rain.Movement of pedestrians is extremely sparse, two per hour, and a very sparse movement of vehicles, apparently due to the weather.The checkpoint is commanded by Second Lieutenant A. who asks us, politely, to turn to him only. The rest of the soldiers do not respond to our greetings.There are no detaineesinfo-icon, the shed is empty, the small amount of traffic moves swiftly.Something new on site: Military police personnel wear badges with their first names in three languages.Another addition: By the waiting shed, there are two chemical lavatories, one for men and one for women.We spoke with those waiting in their cars for inspection, at the parking lot on the Palestinian side. According to them, the checkpoint operates as usual, with no changes. Only those holding passage permits are allowed through.One of them told us the following story: His son left his cellular telephone in the inspection post a few days ago. When he came back to get it, he was told that the phone was sent to the military base, and he should come the following day to fetch it. The son came to the checkpoint several times, but never received his telephone. The father doesn't think it was stolen. It was not working and apparently was thrown away. We have the man's name.Since there was such slow movement, we cut our shift short.