Beit Iba

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Beit Iba 3.2 AMObservers: Tal B, Micky P, Yudit A (reporting).Guest: Ilana.8.30 – in the Nablus direction: 40 men, five women, 5-10 vehicles, no detaineesinfo-icon. During our watch the line grew shorter, few people coming from Nablus. The atmosphere is quiet, oppressor and oppressed playing their parts. Three drivers told us that more than an hour ago, when they let off passengers beside the line and were about to turn round, a jeepful of soldiers arrived and confiscated their IDs. The commander says the IDs never reached the checkpoint, and are apparently in the jeep, which is now on patrol. The drivers are waiting 200 meters from the checkpoints, afraid of being arrested. The DCO officer says its not within his jurisdiction. When we asked the commander to check, he said they should wait, they try to go through every day. When we asked how long he said “As long as they deserve.”9.00 One detainee. The soldiers say he tried to evade the checkpoint. He is released after two hours.11.30 We leave.