Huwwara North & South

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Huwwara North & South, Tuesday, 1.2.2005 AMObservers: Ninette B., Aharona M., Dina A., Nurit V., Yona A., Tal A., Etti P. (reporting) Both checkpoints, south and north, were almost empty. A small number of Palestinians go through, most of them without problems. On the south side, Staff Sergeant Y. tries to explain the importance of checkpoints for security. The soldiers and MPs are calm and quiet. One detainee was released immediately after our arrival.At 8:35 there were 2 more detaineesinfo-icon, one a student from an-Najah and the other a young man from Hebron who wants to study at an-Najah but doesn’t have a student card yet. The sergeant conveys their details and discusses their cases over the phone.North checkpoint – similar picture, even less people. The soldiers are quiet, there is a table beside the checking device, and no dogs or dog trainers.9:35 – we left, defeated by the cold and the inactivity.