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Tarqumiya, Thuesday 1.2.05, PMWatchers: Orit B. (reporting Henrew) and Suzan S. (reporting English)Around 300 workers passed through while we were at the barrier. At times the soldier gave orders to the workers to pass one by one, yet a few minutes later a whole group passed without even being checked. We could not quite work out the "policy". The soldiers were very welcoming to us and even offered us twice coffee, though in the end we did not receive even one. A discussion was entered into about the generosity of the soldiers towards the workers, the policies of the army, all in good humor. Must mention a soldier by the name of I., who had a friendly word and a smile for all that passed via his line.We were also elegantly accosted by some young settlers, who told us that we were harassing the soldiers and keeping them from doing their work.