South Hebron

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South HebronWednesday morning, 2 February 2005 Observers: Tsafrira, Paula (reporting)We left Shoqet junction at 06.45 and returned at 08.30. In general, we saw very few vehicles, and minimal presence of the army. The junctions of Dura- Al Fawwar, the Sheep junction, and Shiyuch (the crossing towards the girl’s school) were open to pedestrians, without any presence of soldiers.The “Humanitarian barrier” [passage for ambulances and medical materiel] on Hwy 35 was closed and empty. Vehicles were traveling on the bridge between Halhul and Hebron.On our way back, on Hwy 317 we saw that the Ziv junction was open. (It had been closed the previous day). After Susia, on the way to Beersheba, new earth barriers had been set up at the sides of the road.