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Tarqumiya, Thursday January 27, 2005 – afternoonWatchers: Mira B. and Lacca Z. (reporting)We reached the CP at 16:00, when we saw workers arriving. During the time that we were there (until dusk) groups of about 500 people quickly and efficiently passed through, without any problems or delays. Most of them remarked favorably on the recent positive attitude of the border policeman towards them. “Come every day, as we get through quickly,” several of them told us, although quite a few mentioned that things went well even if we were not there. It was good to hear. There was a good deal of traffic of people and vehicles but everything flowed smoothly. N., the CP commander and his soldiers acted patiently, with restraint, and quietly. We received many smiles, both from the workers and the policeman.One worker who did not get out of the vehicle to be checked (due to severe back pain) was detained for about half an hour. Maybe our empathetic involvement to both sides helped him to shorten the duration of his punishment.Despite all this aforesaid support, settlers passing by us in their cars did curse us: haters of Israel … screwed up women … go to hell…etc. Settlers in one car verbally attacked the border police for not letting them pass the CP quicker. They were vulgar and harassing. Really lords of the land!!! Nobody was bothered by them and they were responded to as they deserved!