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Rihan, Monday January 17, 2005, AMObservers: Tslila P., Tammi S., (reporting)09:50 - 10:50A short visit by the brigade commander to the new facility. He stayed a few minutes (turned to us, asking if the soldiers treat us well and if our attitude toward the soldiers is okay).A soldier we haven't seen before, who appears to be new at this checkpoint, eagerly "educates" those returning to the West Bank without the proper permits. He points his finger at them ("Nu-nu-nu -- shame on you"), while saying: "This is the last time that it happens, okay?". He waits for a nod of their heads for consent. As if these are kindergarten children who ran away without permission.Before we part, here is a riddle in logic: Is an old man leading a she-ass by a rope, who wishes to cross the checkpoint, considered a pedestrian who should go to the post designated for pedestrians? Or maybe he is the owner of a means of transportation and should turn to the vehicle inspection post?This riddle was left unanswered by the soldiers. All they were interested in was to get rid of him, while sending him back and forth from one inspection post to the other. Finally the District Coordination Office (DCO) officer showed up and solved the problem: He inspected the gentleman's IDcard, as well as his passage permit, and sent him off, peacefully.On our way home, we saw a man riding his she-ass on the wide, vacant road and in the background, the beautiful Samaria scenery.