Hawwara South

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11.01.2005Huwwara south, Tuesday, 11.1. 2005, AM Observers: Nurit V, Yael P, Etti P, (reporting) Huwwara south Most of them time no lines and no detaineesinfo-icon. Everyone goes through except for one student from an-Najah University. A car with doctors, nurses and medical equipment for the St. Johns Eye Hospital in Jerusalem is on its way to a monthly visit to Nablus. They perform tests and treat patients free and utilize the services and the premises of the local hospital. They have a permanent permit but two of the passengers have Israeli IDs and the checkpoint commander checks by telephone. They say matters were arranged at the DCO in advance but they don’t complain and even compliment us on our activities.A young Palestinian wants to go through with a girl with an Israeli ID and a press card who is not allowed to pass. The commander explains that journalists with Israeli IDs need special permits from the army spokesman to enter Area A.A student from an-Najah is detained for Security Services questioning and complains that he is always detained and then released. The commander claims he doesn’t recognize him and says he’s suspect. The student contacts the Moked for efence of the Individual from my telephone, and within half an hour they call back and he is released Beit Furik A short line of pedestrians and cars and pleasant reservists on duty. We drove there mostly in order to say goodbye to the DCO representative who is being moved, elsewhere as part of the DCO policy of relocating people every six months. We shall miss him because of his humanitarian and helpful attitude..