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Rihan, Thursday, January 13, 2005, PMObserving and reporting: Shula and Mara; Guest: Sandra from Toronto14:00 - 15:00We arrived at the checkpoint and found a settler in a car observing the post. He left shortly following our arrival.Few comers and goers. No detaineesinfo-icon among the pedestrians, and the vehicles go through at a normal pace.We were approached by a woman who lives in Baka al-Garbiyeh (Israel). She is married to a man who is resident of Nazla (a village located between Baka al-Garbiyeh and Baka al-Sharkiyeh and which is divided through its center by the wall). She is not allowed to cross to her husband's side through the gate in the wall near her home. That gate is for other Israeli citizens as well as for the settlers, of course.Her husband is denied visits with her and their children, and she has to make a tremendous detour through Rihan and the West Bank. This entire runaround brings her back through Kapeen and east Baka. Hours of driving, two taxi rides in each direction, and a great deal of money. All this instead of a 10-minute walk!New at the checkpoint: A wastebasket by the pedestrian gate.The inspection of vehicles is done efficiently and in a polite manner, without the pettiness of checking quantities.We continue to be invisible to the soldiers.