including Anata

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Anata, Ar-Ram, Qalandiya, Thursday, 13.1.2005, AMObservers: Ruth E., Aviva W., Rama Y. (reporting)Anata. Miracle in Anata! The car line was divided intotwo lanes, and traffic flowed. People were euphoric.They waved to us from inside their cars, said hello,and kept thanking us (?), while we kept trying toexplain that we were for nothing in this miracle. Onthe other hand, pedestrians had to pass through thesingle revolving door, that up to then we never sawin use.Ar-Ram. Very few pedestrians and cars.Qalandiya. There was a crazy traffic jam at thesouthern entrance. A BP jeep blocked the newly pavedlane on the east side of the wall. A BP explained thatthere were still works being done there. There werevery few pedestrians at the CP, but young men on theirway north were apprehended randomly and detained whiletheir IDs were checked with the GSS. Waiting time:5--15 minutes. The job was done by a particularlycoarse soldier.