Eyzon DCO and CP, El Khader, Beit Jala, BEthlehem Cp 300

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Bethlehem and surroundings: thurs. Jan. 6,05 PMObservers: Eva P., Maya M., Nurit S. (reporting)shift took place between 3-6PMEzyon DCO: We arrived at about 3:30 and found three people who told us that they have been invited by the Shabac and have been waiting for five hours in the shack. There was another couple there who came in an effort to get a magnetic card. We gave the couple who wanted a magnetic card the number of the fellow at the Civil Rights Organization who is trying to deal with this problem. We called Azar and asked why these men have to wait for five hours to be interviewed by the Shabac. Shortly after this the men were called to the window and somehow the issue was resolved, although it isn't clear to me how..they left smiling but the man who translated for us was not there to translate again and explain to us how it was resolved.Ezyon CP: unmannedEl Khader: There was a lot of congestion of taxis and buses and we couldn't drive into the parking area, so we just drove past. We saw no BP of army presence.Biet Jala: The soldiers were friendly and passing the cars through quickly. They didn't allow a Palestinian truck to pass explaining that trucks must go through CP 300. This time it was the soldiers who were standing in a puddle.Tunnel CP: traffic flowingBethlehem CP 300: traffic flowing in BOTH directions. This is a happy improvement as the traffic flowed much faster with men checking on both sides. The usual comments about how we must stand at a distance. There was a group of what appeared to be Christan pilgrims passing quickly on the pedestrian side.We also noticed that there was a jeep parked before the tunnels but we saw no detaineesinfo-icon there.