Beit Iba

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Beit Iba 30.12 AMObservers: Hadassa T, Ruthie V, Esti S (reporting)07.30 - We found a few people crossing the checkpoint, the turnstile side was empty and there were no detaineesinfo-icon. But gradually more people arrived and the detainees as well. A woman without documents tried to go through, claiming that her mother had died and she forgot the papers at home. She was given a telephone to call someone to bring the papers. Her husband refused to bring the ID and she went back to Askar camp, came back some time later with the ID and went through. There were now two new detainees, taxi drivers being “educated” by two hours detention for parking over the line. The soldiers refused to relent and said that as soon as the punishment had been given, it became the responsibility of their CO. We showed them a letter (12.10.03) from Lieutenant Col. Sharon Afek of Security and External Relations about punishment at the checkpoints which clarifies that such punishment is prohibite. We tried to call his office but without success..