Beit Jala, El Khader,ETzion CP and DCO, Biet Omar, Bethlehem CP 300

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> Bethlehem Nov. 28, 2004 AM> Observers: Haya A., Ada G. (reporting)>> Bet Jalla - 7:10> The CP is manned by soldiers and opened late.> There's> a line of about 20 cars. At 7:20 the soldiers showed> up at the CP and started the check-up.>> El Hadr - 7:25> A few taxis, a bus and some pedestrians. The dirt> mounds have been "renewed" and the passage is> narrow.> On one side of the barrier a bulldozer has poured> some> gravel. One inhabitant says: "They did us a favor."> > Etzion CP - 8:10> No soldier. The traffic flows freely.>> Bet Omar - 8:20> The CP is open to traffic.>> Nabi Yunis - 8:30> No soldiers, the traffic flows freely.>> Etzion CP - 8:00> On the way back: the CP is now manned. The soldiers> are getting settled.>> DCO Etzion - 9:15> About 30 people are waiting for magnetic cards. No> cards, no permits, no work.>> Etzion CP - 10:00> On the way from DCO: the soldiers check drivers'> IDs.> Several people wait for their cards. No detaineesinfo-icon so> far.>> Bethlehem CP 300 - 10:30> About 30 detainees in the hut. 5 more stand on the> other side of the CP, where we can't reach them. 3> detainees will be taken to stand trial in Salem:> they> were caught without permits. The soldier on top of> the> observation tower shouts to us to move away from the checkpoint.>>> > __________________________________