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Abu Dis, 6:40 AM. Some BPs checking IDs near the gas station opposite the Mt. of Olives cemetery, but things appeared smooth, without a lot of waiting. At the wall things were as usual -- i.e., the break in the wall was open, no one checking, mounds of dirt on both sides of the opening made passage easier. In addition, the concrete slabs from Gilo with Dudu Gerstein's paintings of bicyclists on them were interspersed with plain slabs. It looks like there is an attempt to control the pushing and shoving at the wall opening, by creating a narrow passage leading up to the crossing. A strange way to enforce that this is not supposed to be a Machsom at all! We walked to the 'hotel' and noticed an Arab creeping by the wall, beneath the line of vision of the soldiers. It wasn't clear if he had a specific thing to fear or if the entire situation had just gotten to him and he walks that way all the time. At the 'hotel' a jeep was parked and the soldiers were having a late breakfast. There were some construction workers there, but they were afraid to speak with us in the presence of the soldiers.