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Natanya G. and Phyllis W. (reporting)

When we arrived at the CP a little before 4 PM, we saw a large number of people standing in the 4 active passageways, something we have not seen for lo these many months.  Among the waiting crowd there was a relatively large number of people from Gaza with permits in hand.  One of them was a young man on his way home from a visit to Jordan.  There were also a large number of students and we wondered  if this was the first day of the spring semester in the educational institutions of the PA.  Unfortunately, we never found out.

A new policeman was on duty and took it upon himself to chase us out of the CP, explaining that we were placing ourselves in danger by being inside the CP.  He suggested it would be safer for us if we went out on the PA side of the CP.  Just then Igor the senior police officer appeared and explained to the new guy that we should not be chased away.