Qalandiya, Tue 4.12.12, Afternoon

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Tamar Fleishman




Translating: Ruth Fleishman


There was non-stop rain at Qalandiya and many improvised rain coats made out of plastic bags.

"Rain is good, it might clean the dirt in the country", a friend said.


On the wall there was evidence of the UN vote regarding Palestine's status as an observing member. Due to their proximity to the soldiers' post one can predict that they will not last long. People spoke of the celebrations: "it was quiet here, everyone went to Ramallah".



At Jaba checkpoint- even on a wet day such as that one the soldiers (dressed in waterproof coats) didn't spear the Palestinians: they stopped vehicles, took the drivers so they stood in the rain and inspected the inside of the cars.


Afterwards they found the time for me. New soldiers, old tune of ignorance and the acceptance of everything said by the high ranks as if it were the word of god: "This is A' territory… you are not allowed to arrive here… this is a military zone… you are not allowed to take pictures…"


They came, they said their piece, attacked the camerainfo-icon and left.