Eyal Crossing, 'Anabta, Eliyahu Crossing, Irtah (Sha'ar Efrayim), Za'tara (Tapuah), Thu 31.12.09, Afternoon

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Mecky Sh., Amira A. (reporting) Translation: Galia S.

Anabta Checkpoint  

16:10 – All the cars that leave Tulkarm are checked. Automatic gatesinfo-icon go up and down. Israeli vehicles leave but Palestinian cars are sent back to Tulkarm. We call the DCO [District Coordination Office of the IDF Civil Administration that handles passage permits] to find out the reason. In the meantime, however, the instructions change and everybody can leave without inspection. Behind us, the line is long. 

Eliyahu Gate 

16:30 – Two lines are formed to leave the West Bank. Without an usher to determine the order, trucks and pick-up trucks are on the right, private cars in the middle and the left side is empty. We crawl in the middle and notice fancier cars passing on the left. These are the lords of the land. In the middle and on the right side Israeli Arabs are waiting for inspection. How does each and everyone decide which is the right side for him? How does racism get its way without shouts and without written or spoken announcements? 

Irtah Passage 

16:45 – No delay in the flow of entering workers is expected today. A decorated place and a 'Welcome' sign, in Hebrew and Arabic meet the comers. Inside the terminal there is also a sign saying 'Have a nice time'. Since the sign is not made of iron, it hasn't been stolen yet. Workers complain about the "rooms" in the morning, having to spend 2 hours in narrow and closed space. They also complain that on Friday the checkpoint is opened only at 05:00. Worth checking! 

Eyal Passage 

17:20 – No delays on entering.