Huwwara, Za'tara (Tapuah), Mon 14.12.09, Afternoon

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Pithiya A., Zehava G. (reporting)

Translation: Galia S.


Za'tara/Tapuach 15:00 –
Five cars are waiting at the checkpoint heading south. The traffic is flowing in one lane.

 There is a police car at the parking lot and a policeman is writing a ticket to a Palestinian car. We are not sure whether the driver has parked the car voluntarily or has been forced by the policeman to enter the parking lot. 

Huwwara15:25 –
Twenty two cars are waiting in line to leave Nablus. The soldiers open up additional lane and the line gets shorter. Every vehicle with young men is told to park on the side. The vehicle is checked thoroughly and the young men open their coats, lift their shirts and take off their shoes.