Ras 'Atiya, Thu 10.9.09, Morning

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Shoshana Z. (took photos) Nina S. (reporting)

07:00 Jabarra
It took 10 minutes to get a permit to go up to the village. The CP is very quiet, and there are almost no people passing. We thought we'd see the schoolchildren, but the time in the Palestinian Authority has bee changed already, and that's why they leave later.

07:50 Antaba
One soldier puts on phylacteries at the station. All the time we were there not other soldiers were seen, and the passage of the cars was free.

09:25 Shvut Ami
The road leading up is blocked by a small heap of earth and stones. No signs of life were seen and there are no sheds either.

09:40 – the main entrance (the eastern one) from road no. 55 is blocked by an especially high heap of earth and stones. On its side there is some kind of stairs for pedestrians to climb up on it – well done for this initiative. We decided to check the other entrances. We entered by the western entrance from road no. 55 to the road going up to Azoun, parallel to road no. 55. After we passed the first group of houses on the western side of Azoun, near the descent to the wady, the raod is blocked by high heaps of earth and stones. We returned to the house area of western Azoun and there there is another road going south, between the houses. By this road it is possible to reach eastern Azoun, according to the people passing there. Naturally this is the longest and worst way.

10:00 Ras a Taya
According to the locals the CP was opened on time and the passage is acceptable. A van with grapes from Israel passed from the direction of Ras a Tira (Israel!) to Kalkilya, without being checked.  These are goods bought in Israel intended for the Kalkilya market. The children passing on their way to school have to bring a photograph of their parents ID papers.

At the moment it is very quiet here, the wind is pleasant, the urgineas are in bloom – how well could one live here, unless…
A handsome boy of 14 approaches us. He belongs to the Bedouin family which lives near the fence. To our question why he is not at school at the moment he answers – "not worth it". Will you be able to read and write. "no" with a shrug of his shoulders indicating "what's to be done?". How sad.