Dura-Al Fawwar Junction, Hebron, Sansana (Meitar Crossing), South Hebron Hills

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Very cold and a bitter wind.

At Durש-al Fawwar crossroads the childen are throwing stones and the soldiers smoke canisters.


Therefore the entrance to el  Fawar is closed.

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A picture shows the checkpoint at Tel rumeida.

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The Israeli flad flies at the only house at Tel Rumeida which was built at the expense of the Israeli taxpayer, the funding from the Ministry of Housing.

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At the warm corner next to Beit Hadasah we saw the following sign.

I have no idea what it is about.

We also saw a tour of Breaking the Silence.


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The checkpoint at Beit Hagai has been opened. Maybe it was taken down because of road work which is being done there.

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Police cars are taking fines at nearly every crossroads.

At Meitar cars are being lengthily checked.

Occupation  goes  on  with no problem.