'Anin, Reihan, Shaked, Thu 17.4.08, Morning

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Havi N., Sima S. (reporting)
Translation: Devorah K.
A'anin CP - 05:45
The gatesinfo-icon are still closed; a military Hummer with soldiers starts up in the open space.
05:52: The gates open and the traffic of people going through begins. A tractor driver who goes through tells us that he arrived at the gate at 03:30 so as to be among the first in the queue.
Bags and briefcases are still being inspected on the ground and on the asphalt.
At a distance, we can see additional tractors and about fifty people waiting to go through. The passage is relatively quick and the soldiers stand close to the inside gate. This time there is no soldier in the post pointing his gun at the people.

06:58 - Shaked-Tura CP
The gates of the CP are open (officially the CP opens at 07:00).  A car and a driver are waiting to go through to Palestine and opposite him a man on a donkey goes through to the seamline zone. Children on their way to school (on the West Bank) show the soldiers what they have in their schoolbags, and go through. A soldier with his rifle drawn stands in the post and three soldiers inspect those going through. A man complains about how long the inspections take and about how slowly the soldiers are doing them.

07:35 Reihan (Barta'a) CP
About seven pickup trucks loaded with vegetables, eggs and some animals, are waiting to go through. Near the entry gate to the terminal about twenty men are waiting on their way to the seamline zone, and a similar number of people can be seen at a distance at the entrance to the pavilion where internal inspections are carried out. We hear yelling from inside the terminal. We phone R. who promises to find out and he calls back to say that the reason for the delay is a technical problem - one of the doors is stuck, and they are working at fixing it. And in fact, after a few minutes, the passage becomes much quicker.
Only a few people enter from the seamline zone on their way into Palestine, by contrast with the many who want to go out in the direction of the seamline zone. We are told that the "egg" people are sad because the quota has been lowered from 50 trays of eggs to 35 trays per day, and, furthermore, delaying people and letting them through only in groups, is something that began two days ago.

08:45   We left, wishing for
 a holiday of true freedom, liberated and liberating for all of us.