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Yizhar junction

Observers: D.G., D.B.

We brought a sick woman from the village of Salam, sho received
medical treatment at Ichilov hospital, and returned to the village.
At the Hawara checkpoint, we expected to see little traffic in
either direction.

At the Yitzhar junction, there was a long line (about 15
automobiles) from north to south. From afar, we saw that in the
oppostie direction, there were four ambulances held up at the
intersection, two of them with blinking lights. Then we say that
one of the soldiers kicked the ambulance and signalled it to
return. Two of the ambulances started to return .I approached the
driver of the second ambulance and asked what had happened. The
driver said that the soldier had ordered him to turn back. He was
transporting two sick people -- one was a woman who had suffered a
heart attack, and the other was a child suffering from cancer. The
soldier said that the ambulances had tried to jump the line. I said
that it was the responsibility of ambulances to jump the line in
emergency cases. He was very angry with me and ordered me to get
away from there because there was no purpose in my being there. I
said that in every place where there are infringements of human
rights, there is a purpose to my presence. The soldier turned
around and ordered the ambulances to pass.

We were shocked by the speed with which he responded to our demand.
However, it also reminded us of what happens when we are not