Awarta, Beit Furik, Huwwara, Za'tara (Tapuah), Sun 10.2.08, Morning

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צופות ומדווחות: 
Edna L. and Yael B. (reporting)

Translation: Maureen A.


7:45 - Za'tara Junction

28 cars are in line from the west, 28 cars from the north.

The Checkpoint Commander (from a reserves unit) is friendly and to the point, telling us that the over-loaded situation has been caused by stricter security checks, due to warnings; no passage is being permitted for those coming from the Jenin and Tulkarm direction (segregation).

8:15  -  Beit Furik Checkpoint

Drivers complain about long periods of waiting. One of them says he's been waiting in his truck since 7:00. 

We stand behind the white line. The Checkpoint Commander, in a very authoritarian tone, sends us to stand farther off on the side of the road, since, he claims, "there has been trouble".

There is no line where the pedestrians cross.

8:30  -  Awarta Checkpoint

Even as we come close in our car, the Checkpoint Commander sends out of the parking area near the checkpoint.

8:40  -  Huwwara Checkpoint

There are only a few people crossing. There's a slight crowding at the turnstile going into Nablus.

Not only does the Checkpoint Commander, D., not chase us away, for a change, but he comes over, introduces himself, and says we should come to him with any problems.

The checkpoint-routine is running with no unusual incidents.

10:15  -  Za'tara Checkpoint

9 cars from the west and 6 from Nablus.