Hebron, South Hebron Hills, Wed 6.10.10, Morning

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צופות ומדווחות: 
Raya and Hagit S. (reports)

Trans. by Naomi S.

From Tarqumiya to Hebron
at the Shayukh Shair Junction, the easy-west throughway is again blocked by boulders, and west of the road there's now a double blockage (what's the idea?). According to M, these blockages were put up following the terror attack at the Bani Naim Junction.
At the peak of Give'at Avichai, the buildings as well as (Israeli) flag are "as usual".
And again, the reiterative Graffiti "Kahane was right" itches the eyes.
Next to Curve 160, there's a jeep with soldiers and another, next to the booth, but it is rather quiet. The streets are almost empty – a ghost town.
Pharmacy Checkpoint: the same.
And in Tarpat and Tel Rumeidah checkpoints, nice Nahal soldiers, happy to be leaving in two days' time. To our query, "what will you say in a while about your experiences in Hebron?" they reply (after some reflection): "complicated" and also conceded that "difficult" and "inhuman".
On the upwards road to Tel Rumeidah, there's much activity, many soldiers and a signpost: "here will be built with God's help Nahal Shlomo".
At the Kaphisha checkpoint, cars transfer commodities "back-to-back".

Visit, tea and sympathy at the local ironmonger's.