Reihan, Shaked, Sun 9.5.10, Morning

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צופות ומדווחות: 
Ruthy T. and Hannah H.

6:00 Reihan CP
"There is talk about you!"

About 30 workers are waiting for their rides in the upper parking lot. We were told that the CP opened at 5:00. They also tell us that recently people whose permits are no longer valid, encounter problems in getting new permits at the Salem DCO; the older people get permits for only two monthe and they get them only after waiting for two weeks when they could not go out to work at all (in the past they would get new permits within a day). We are talking about veteran workers and about permits for work both in Israel and in the seamline zone. When one of them asked why he was refused a permit, he was told that "there is talk about you" on the authority of the General Security Service. Our impression is that today fewer workers leave through the CP than in the past. When we asked if there is more work in the territories, they told us that there is more work only in construction, but the seamstresses in the seamline zone have no alternative. Indeed, today we did not meet a single seamstress. In the compound a number of cars are being inspected and another seven are waiting in the lower parking lot. In the park that is developing industriously, a white lily is blooming and there are new herbs in flower-pots.

6.15 -  People arrive at the CP in waves and go through immediately. Inside the terminal it is quiet and no people are waiting.

6.30 - Workers from the night shift are returning from Barta'a. At the vehicle CP in the direction of the West Bank a taxi loaded with packages is being inspected. The driver opens every bag and every suitcase; the inspection is quick and within 10 minutes, the taxi with its passengers goes on its way.

7.05, Shaked CP
"Today the computer man is great."

The CP is open and the 25 people that crowded to the gate have already gone through. The last two say - "The computer man is great, he lets them all through quickly." Cars going in both directions also go through quickly.

7.15 - Schoolchildren are now beginning to arrive; they go through immediately without any inspection. A Transit with 20 children arrives and after 10 minutes goes on its way to the West Bank with the children. The passage flows in both directions.

7.45 - A teacher from the West Bank who teaches in Umm-el-Reihan and goes through every day, is detained today for more than a quarter of an hour. The principal with two other teachers waited to see how the matter would end.
Only at 7.50 did they release the teacher and let him go on his way. The problem was that on the schoolday before, the computer does not note that he returned to the West Bank. For that, today he could not go to work
from the West Bank. It finally was arranged after telephone calls to the DCO. He claims that on that day, when he returned home from work, the soldiers were eating lunch and did not find the time to register him. He tells us that sometimes the soldiers do not register people because thet are busy playing some computer game.