Hebron, South Hebron Hills, Tarqumiya, Mon 10.5.10, Morning

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צופות ומדווחות: 
Ra'aya Y. and Hagit S. (reports)

Translation: Bracha B.A.

Route 35
From Tarqumyia to the entrance to Hebron there are few cars and everything is routine.

Temporary sign at the entrance to Nofei Mimreh neighborhood on Hill 18, reads "Mitzpeh Avichai" – the name of a new settlement above the petrol station on the right. There are four caravans, a tent, and two cars. The two houses at the entrance to Ma'alot Hebron neighborhood on the left are almost completed.
Curve 160: An Israeli car is standing outside the checkpoint and a soldier is checking it. It is 11:00 and we see children coming home from school, but evidently only some of them are arriving because there are more later on.
At the Pharmacy Checkpoint and Tarpat: people enter without being checked.
Tel Rumeyda: There are two soldiers and there is very little traffic and the soldiers look bored and have little work to do. Only a couple of settlers' cars go through. For the first time we saw two women completely veiled and the soldiers did not check them.
Cave of the Patriarchs: Two soldiers are detaining two Palestinians and are waiting to verify their certificates on the phone. We were told that the phone was open all the time but that they had not yet received an answer. They added that if they had a computer the process would be quicker. When we talked from a soldier from the computer corps he explained that there was supposed to be a computer at every sensitive point. Can anything be done about this? After some time the two were released.
We met a group of Dutch people from the Protestant Church with a guide who lives in Jerusalem who is active with Palestinians. She wants  to meet with members of "Shovrim Shtika" and we gave her Michal's phone number. We returned via the border patrol base. The gate was closed but the soldiers opened it for us. 
Tarquomiya:There is a large crowd of Palestinians at the entrance to the checkpoint because the body of a young man from Hebron who was killed in an automobile accident in Netanya is being transferred.