Bethlehem, Etzion DCL, Wed 5.5.10, Morning

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Aviva W., Rama Y. (reporting)

06:40 am, Bethlehem - Checkpoint 300: people getting out of the CP greeted us smilingly. By now we know to read the signs – this was one of those rare “excellent” mornings. We assumed that the DCL representative was present. At the Bethlehem Checkpoint the passage depends on this one man who really cares. It was touching to see a crowd gathering around him, laughing and thanking him just because for once passage was smooth.


08:15 am, Etzion DCL: about a dozen of people were gathered at the DCL. A note in Arabic on the door of the waiting hall announces, though, that the DCL is closed for the day, and only emergency cases will be dealt with. As usual, no one left, just in case...