Reihan, Shaked, Wed 26.5.10, Morning

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צופות ומדווחות: 
Nava R.
Translation: Yael S.

07:00 - Shaked-Tura checkpoint

Soldiers are already on site but the checkpoint's gatesinfo-icon would only open at 07:10.
On the side of the West Bank about 20 people, a donkey and its rider, three herds and their Sheppard's and four cars waited.
On the side of the SeamLine zone school children and a few vehicles waited.

At first the people of the SeamLine zone were let through. Pupils have the right of way. Only at 07:25 the first one from the SeamLine zone had gone through.
Passage of the 20 others continued until 08:15.

Herds went through separately. the first  at 07:40. 07:50 and 08:10

- I left the checkpoint impressed by the goats who are aware of each one's place.

8:30 - Rihan-Barta'a checkpoint
The usual people went through. There were no waiting cars. I was told that about 12 cars were already inspected and drove away. One person arrived on site with his young son who had a 9:00 o'clock appointment for surgery at the West Bank. Apparently the father was missing some permit which kept him waiting. He complained that he'll miss the surgery and the female security guard said he was threatening her.
Finally at 09:20 both the father and the son were let through.

09:45 - I left the checkpoint