'Awarta, Beit Furik, Huwwara, Za'tara (Tapuah), Thu 17.6.10, Morning

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מקום או מחסום: 
צופות ומדווחות: 
Esti V., and Nava A.

ranslation:  Suzanne O.

The summer has arrived, the fields of grain have been harvested and only the fields of corn stand out with their fresh green colour.

6:30 a.m. 

Sha'ar Shomron east is freely open and no one is inspected.

We came to a kind of roadblock at the entrance to Zeita and to Jemayn and excitedly we drove up the track leading up to the villages, for a while we drove around the beaten up track between the dusty olive trees and then turned back.



6:55 a.m. 

There is a long queue of about 40 cars from the direction of Huwwara, two checkpoints are open.

In Huwwara town a military vehicle is looking for a convenient place to park and watch.


There are no military vehicles.


Beit Furiq

7:25 a.m. 

There is not a soul at the roadblock.  The iron barrier is open freely and no one guards it.  The traffic flows to and from the town.  We stood under the lookout tower for a few minutes until the soldier above waved us to turn around and vacate the area.



7:35 a.m. 

The roadblock is back in its usual place.  The traffic is light.  A soldier fears starting a conversation with us:  "You will write later that I said something and I will be put into prison"!!



7:45 a.m. 

The car park is completely empty.  The police appear to have completed their campaign of impounding cars.

The traffic to and from the town flows with no problems.  There are not many cars in either direction.  There was neither a dog handler nor a DCO representative present.

We asked the roadblock commander about the incident which caused the closing of the roadblock and the opening of the Madison Way to Palestinian vehicles and he said that no such thing could have happened.

Light lorries trying to enter the town are inspected by the guard position near the car park.

A huge petrol container is sent back to cross via Awarta.


Still empty

We stopped in the town to get supplies and a Border Police vehicle stopped by us to enquire anxiously whether we were alright.  It accompanied us with the warning:  "They thrown stones here at cars like yours".


We expected to see the queue which we had seen in the morning but meanwhile it had disappeared and there was no need for us to intervene.