Reihan, Shaked, Wed 14.7.10, Morning

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Hedva H., (reporting), E., Guest from Ramat Yishai; Translation: Bracha B.A.

09:35-11:20 - Shaked-Tura Checkpoint
The soldiers see me coming and say to each other, "Here they come again."  I reply that I am alone today and it appears that everything is normal.  There are a few people going in both directions from the West Bank to the seamline zone.  No one is being checked in the inspection booth and people say that things are going well today.  Two workers from the Liaison and Coordination Administration greet us and say they don't have to be checked either.  
We left at 10:10 for the Reihan-Barta'a Checkpoint.  The soldiers remained there even though the gate closed at 10:00.

Reihan-Barta'a Checkpoint
As usual there are a lot of cars in the Palestinian parking lot but very few people.   Eventually a few people arrive, complain about the heat and greet us.  A few people come through the terminal in both directions.
As usual drivers are waiting for passengers who fail to arrive.  Today I didn't see any vehicles with produce waiting to be checked.  M. said that the trucks left early today because of the heat.  Other vehicles and tenders arrive and pull up to the checkpoint with other cargo besides agricultural produce.   Drivers are lying next to their vehicles waiting to be checked.  Everything is normal and we left at 11:20.