South Hebron Hills

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Raya Y. Translator: Natanya

After crossing Faiz, a  Palestinian who lives in Zanuta, called us to say that the settlers are building a new settlement on the hill in front of their house. It is important to report this and continue to check that no further settlement will be established.

During the Passover holiday the settlers entered many villages:

Nasser from Susiya says that in ancient Susiya there were  masses of settlers.

In Samo', settlers entered the synagogue, accompanied by the army. The synagogue is located in the center of the village and is in Area A.

Nasser Adara informs us that In Yatta, settlers entered the large pool with a military escort. This pool is also in Area A.

Id from Umm al-Kheir calls and reports that many settlers are also walking around his area.

Hebron is blocked and closed. Cars are prohibited from entering due to Passover. At the entrance to Kiryat Arba are army and police vehicles.