Hebron, South Hebron Hills

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Nina and Hagit S.S; Translation: Natanya

A quiet day in the whole area.

At the entrance to Samu'a soldiers are in their positions on both sides of the road.

The entrances to Abda, Dura and al-Fawwar are open.

We went to Hebron - here too the streets are almost deserted.

Renovations on the streets of the city on behalf of the municipality are still ongoing.

At the entrance to the Path of the Worshippers, two Nahal soldiers are in position, looking relaxed.

Since the school year had already begun - we did not see children, except for the  really young.

Soldiers and flags in Rachel House and Lea House. In Gross Square there are also soldiers on duty.

Shuhada Street / King David is decorated with many Israeli flags. Maybe for the coming holidays?

2 tourist buses enter for a visit

At the Kafisha grocery store, business as usual, Muhammad is very nice and a friendly, speak fluent Hebrew.

One can buy labana and potatoes straight from the field.

We went up to the hill to see a new "spring”: A hill above the Tamimi family house, which overlooks all of Hebron. The settlers built an artificial pool here (for baptism?) by connecting to Mekorot Water Reservoir and they have put a sign up “A living spring.”

Not far from here, the hill of Gal is peering at us.