Update during Corona: Qaddum - soldiers use weapons more freely

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Raia submits telephone report from Qaddum

S. telephoned me on 29.3.20 to find out how we were.  I was very moved.  “I just wanted to hear how you are,” he said.

As we know, the demonstrations in Qaddum because the road was closed have continued for six years, on Friday and Saturday. 

Since there’s little public awareness of what’s going on and little media coverage of the occupied territories, soldiers use weapons more freely – skunk spray and live fire.

Two youths were detained Saturday, brothers aged 14 and 17 – K. and L..  Their whereabouts are unknown.

I suggested that if their ID numbers can be obtained it would be possible to try and locate them.

He also told me that, as in Hebron, soldiers at Huwwara are spitting at shops and vehicles to transmit the disease.  The media showed an image of that in Hebron.

To repeat – I thought of calling today, but before I could do so, S. telephoned.  He again sends regards to everyone.