Hebron - the settlers spit, the Palestinians ignore

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Raya Y. Translator: Natanya

At the Tarkumiya checkpoint you can see a number of merchants, some with masks and some without claiming that there may not be a corona ... because they do not believe in corona.

At Muhammad's grocery store at the Tarkumiya junction in front of the usual olive oil factory everything is as usual and everyone is waiting for the opening of the oil mill in front of the store. There  is usually no exact date at the end of October.

On Route 35 we met the sellers of figs and grapes who are happy to market their wares and earn a few shekels for their livelihood and Inshalla  all will be well

We met with the Jaber family at their home at the entrance to Kiryat Arba. They say this is their best season. They make honey from grapes and sell a lot of goods.

Along with this the family is very worried about thieves (they are convinced that these are settlers). In their vineyard they see young people with white shirts, kippot and tassels so there is no reason to think that they were Palestinians.

Unfortunately they do not have enough water, the water comes in tankers and not through a pipe. They suffer the price of being Palestinians. It  is a frustrating situation that the Jewish neighbors who live near their house have a regular supply of water while they live in Area C and pay heavily for the water. The price of water is high so they try to save in every way possible.

Bassem Jaber lives in front of the House of Contention  in Hebron and opens the store for the sale of groceries, etc. every day. Bassem reports that a fixed number of settlers (not many) regularly challenge them, whether by cursing or spitting on both him and his children.

They prefer not to comment and ignore the provocation.