Hamra area: quadocopter in the service of violence

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Oded Papurish and Hagar Geffen

We arrived near the shepherd's house towards 7.00. After the flock was watered we went up the hills to graze. Pretty soon a quadocopter appeared over the flock and drove them up. Shepherd M. continued after the flock up the hills. In the meantime, Oded and I went down to the farmhouse to ask the settlers to stop the glider operation, as only the army is allowed to use this tool. We entered the yard and realized that the settler Moshe was secretly busy bringing in the quadocopter.

Our actions at the farm are "written" in the Facebook book. It is not inconceivable that we will return to this type of activity in the future. M. led the herd to higher peaks, until our return towards 11.30. It was fun to forget a little about the misery of the violence.