Tura checkpoint: Opened late as usual

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Tami Ritov and Hanna Heller (reporting) Translation: Naomi Halsted



15:30 Barta’a checkpoint

Hundreds of workers arrive at the upper parking lot in all kinds of vehicles and walk down the long sleeveinfo-icon through the terminal to the West Bank. Some stop at the kiosk and buy a pastry. They pass by us cheerfully and greet us in many languages. One of them adds happily that, to our credit, “there’s no longer any pressure at the checkpoint…”

16:00 Tura checkpoint

Israeli and Palestinian cars arrive at the checkpoint bringing workers returning to the West Bank from work in Israel and the seamline zone. They tell us that the checkpoint was opened at 07:00 that morning (an hour late according to all concerned). Palestinian vehicles cross in both directions. Families, including those with small children, and female students return from Jenin and a large group of waiters departs for work at a wedding in Wadi Ara (Israel).

Three ATVs lit up as police cars charge into the checkpoint with sirens blaring and drive onto the security road.

There’s all sorts of paving and development work going on in the seamline zone – quiet de-facto annexation.