South Hebron Hills, Susiya

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Fatima, Jasmin, Mohammad (report by Fatima)

9:30 a.m. – 13:00 p.m.
Subject: End of year at Huda preschool, Hashem-al-Daraj

Road 317: Little traffic. Palestinian shepherd with herds near Susiya. Two days before Ramadan.

This visit is dedicated to an end-of-the-year party in the kindergarten. Not too many children arrived, since it is Saturday, and Ramadan starts in two days, and the weather is difficult – very hot and dry. Huda gathered the children and we talked about the end of the year, Ramadan, and how they will spend the summer.  Some children recited some poems,. Finally, we gave graduation certificates and small presents, as shown in the photos, below. The feeling is that the children love this place. We also discussed next year plans, with the children and among us.

Pictures of the end of year party – at the end of this report, and also attached to the email.

Pictures of the activity in the preschool – the album gallery of Gan Huda: