Sansana (Meitar Crossing), South Hebron Hills

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Daphne Y, Yehudit K. (Reporting) and Muhammad D. Translator: Natanya

Meitar Checkpoint and Road 60 are fairly quiet and, on Route 317, we saw no more vehicles on our way to the family of Abu Kbeita.

We have written before that the family  lives within the security wall's seamline: an enclave of territory B and C and Israel. Despite the usual  difficulties such as the ban to bring supplies through the checkpoint (food for a family of about 15 souls, fodder for the sheep, etc.) there have been  improvements in the state of the family. Two elder boys are already married and one of the girls lives in Yatta. There are already grandchildren and power supply from solar panels. Mahmoud says he is satisfied and the situation is reasonable now despite the occupation. Also the relations with the settlers of nearby Yatir (within meters) has calmed down. Mahmoud, in spite of the suffering, learned to deal with the obstaclesaAnd I will not elaborate here for obvious reasons!

The married daughter had a permit to enter Israel, which expired a year ago. All efforts to renew the permit failed and this prevents her from visiting her parents whose home is in Israeli territory. The situation is complicated and ridiculous and Mahmoud asks for our help in this matter. We asked Michal to see could be done.

It is the Mezadot Yehuda barrier that separates Israel from the West Bank, between Mahmoud's house and the children's school.

Each departure from the home means a search of personal belongings and the backpacks of the children when they go to school and back.